

Quality is life, service is the tenet

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發布時間:  2024-08-11

產品型號:  50KV


廠商性質:  生產廠家

所  在  地:  北京市海淀區上地科技園上地十街1號

產品特點:  通過我公司自主研發的全新智能數字集成電路系統與軟件控制系統兩部分來完成,使升壓速率真正做到勻速、準確,并能夠準確測出漏電電流的數據。可實時動態繪制試驗曲線,顯示試驗數據,判斷準確,并可保存,分析,修改,打印試驗數據。


☆輸入電壓: 交流 220 V            ☆輸出電壓: 交流 0--50 KV ;                       直流 0—50 KV
☆電器容量: 3KVA                    ☆高壓分級: 0-10KV,0--50KV,
☆升壓速率: 100V/S 200V/S 500 V/S 1000 V/S 2000V/S  3000V/S 等
       a、0.1  kV/s    
       b、0.2  kV/s         
       c、0.5  kV/s      
       d、1.0  kV/s
       e、1.5  kV/s   
       f、2.0  kV/s  
       g、2.5  kV/s   
       h.  3.0 kV/s
☆試驗方式:           直流試驗:勻速升壓. 梯度升壓 .耐壓試驗           交流試驗:勻速升壓 .  梯度升壓 .  耐壓試驗
☆試驗介質:空氣,試驗油                      ☆安裝靈敏度較高的過電流保護裝置保證試樣擊穿時在0.05S內切斷電源。                      ☆采用智能集成電路進行勻速升壓。
☆支持短時間內短路試驗要求。                  ☆電壓試驗精度: ≤ 1%。                                        ☆、試驗電壓連續可調: 0--50KV?!铍娏骺刹杉絤*。                ☆出具*計量單位校準檢定證書或出具客戶計量單位的證書。                                 ☆電源:220V±10%的單相交流電壓和50Hz±1%的頻率。                       ☆電流電壓穩定度: 外界電源電壓波動10%時

電壓擊穿試驗儀滿足標準:滿足GB1408-2006 絕緣材料電氣強度試驗方法,GB/T1695-2005硫化橡膠工頻電壓擊穿強度和耐電壓強度試驗方法,GB/T3333 電覽紙工頻電壓擊穿試驗方法,HG/T 3330絕緣漆漆膜擊穿強度測定法,GB12656 電容器紙工頻電壓擊穿試驗方法及ASTM D149 標準要求。







1、設備保修一年,終身服務,一年內非人為損壞的零部件免費更換,保修期內接到用戶邀請后, zui遲響應時間為2小時內,在與用戶確認故障后,我公司會在48小時內派工程師到達現場進行

免費服務,盡快查清故障所在位置和故障原因,并向用戶及時報告故障的原因和排除辦法 。
3、保修期外繼續為用戶提供優質技術服務,在接到用戶維修邀請后3天內派工程師到達用戶現場進行維修。并享有優惠購買零配件的待遇?!?br />4、傳感器過載及整機電路超壓損壞不在保修范圍內。

五、24小時:     李碩剛

Beijing Beiguang precision instrument equipment Co., Ltd. - products:(series of electrical properties of rubber and plastics) voltage breakdown testing instrument, electrical

strength tester, the dielectric breakdown strength tester, electronic universal testing machine, the surface resistivity tester volume resistivity, dielectric constant and

dielectric loss tester, tracking test apparatus, verticalDirect combustion apparatus, rubber brittle low-temperature impact tester, melt flow index, melt flow rate detector,

VEKA softening point temperature measuring instrument plastic deformation, sliding friction and wear testing machine, arc resistance test, Martin test instrument, building

materials burning tester, ballIndentation hardness tester, Charpy test machine, electric blanket dynamic load testing machine, universal testing machine, punching machine,

dumbbell system prototype, drop hammer impact, dart impact, falling ball impact test machine, index system(sponge foam series) sponge foam indentation hardness tester,

falling ball rebound test machine, sponge cutting machine, sponge tensile strength testing machine, and the fatigue indentation test machine, compression testing machine,

tear strength, rebound rate.After sale service and warranty:Over the years, our company has been specializing in the production of electrical test equipment, research,

exploration, summed up a complete security system products and services, to provide quality and timely pre-sale, sale, after sale service to usersTo create a famous brand,

increase brand awareness, establish a corporate image, we have the spirit of "all the pursuit of high quality, customer satisfaction as the purpose" of the spirit, to "the most

preferential prices, the most attentive service, the most reliable product quality" principle solemnly promise to you:A, product quality commitment:1, our company to ensure

that equipment to the need to provide the original factory, and the factory data complete accessories. In order to maintain normal operation and maintenance of contract

equipment, our company guarantees to provide technical information and drawings are complete, clear and correct.2, product manufacturing and testing are quality records

and test data.3, the product performance test, we ask the user to visit the whole process, the whole performance inspection of the product, the product is qualified after

packing shipments.Two, the product price commitment:1, in order to ensure the high reliability and advanced products, systems material are selected domestic and

international high-quality brand-name products.2, in the same competition condition, our company based on not to reduce the technical performance of products, product

components for cost, provide the most preferential price to you.Three: debugging and installation acceptance commitment:1, assist the installation, transportation,

commissioning of equipment.2, equipment for approval according to the order of the technical annex. Final acceptance in the buyer, for users of the test specimen, and

provide the test report.3, installation and commissioning at the same time, the instrument operation on-site one-time free training 2-3, the operating personnel shall be

appointed by the buyer to the long-term stability of the staff, training of basic principle, equipment, operation, maintenance issues of software comprehension and

application, makePersonnel can operate independently equipment for the detection, sample analysis, and can perform basic maintenance.Four, the warranty commitment:1,

equipment for one year warranty, life-long service, within one year of the non-human damage parts replaced free of charge, the warranty period the user received the

invitation, the latest response time is 2 hours, and the user to confirm the fault, we will within 48 hours to send engineers to arrive at the sceneThe free service, find out the

fault location and fault reason as soon as possible, and to users timely report failures and troubleshooting.2, the warranty period within the damaged parts procurement

according to the price change (processing).3, the warranty to provide quality technical services for the user, after receiving repair invited users within 3 days after the

arrival of users send engineers on-site repair. And enjoy the preferential purchase fittings treatment.The 4 sensor circuit, overload and overpressure damage not covered

under warranty.Five, 24 hours after sale service ephone: Li Shuogang


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